Well, summer vacation (in japanese: natsu yasumi) has finally come. We had our "closing ceremony" at school this past Tuesday and spent the rest of the week going to AET training.
I used the last few weeks of school to video some of my kids at school and to show you the English they are learning.
This first video is of some 6th grade kids at Kaminakazuma elementary. They just learned the question "What are you doing?" and a bunch of answers.
This second video is a group of 4th grade girls at Kaminakazuma. They learned the days of the week.
This last video is at Tsumasato elementary. The boy to the left is a first grader. His name is Ryo. As you can see, first graders still struggle with the question "What is your name?" and the answer "My name is ....". The others are 5th graders. Their recent lesson was "When is your birthday?" and of course the answer to that question. The boy in the middle is Shougo, the wild one running around is Kazuki and the one in the blue shirt who only makes a short appearance is Keichiro.
Well.....all that's over for about a month now. Summer has started and , as the post title suggests, we are heading for Malaysia tomorrow. But, not after a relaxing weekend with nothing to do. On Saturday, we went to some friends' wedding: Kristi Batten and Donni Thornton got married at Ikaraki Christian University. That was a very good day. We loved seeing Kristi and Donni and Benji and others that we knew, and it was great to get to meet the Batten and Thornton families.
Today we also went to Harris and Eloise Yves' house to celebrate Amy's belated birthday and just to have a good time with Amy. It was so fun to see her and spend time with her. (The picture of Derrick and me at the top of this post was taken at Amy's house.)
We will post the wedding pics and pics of Amy's party when we get back from Malaysia.....along with some awesome pictures of Malaysia!